Getting Out of My Comfort Zone With Horror Movie Challenges

Getting Out of My Comfort Zone With Horror Movie Challenges

Last year, actually right around New Year’s, I was searching Discord for a nice horror book community. I started checking out the public servers and peeped into Dreadcord, the Discord server attached to r/horror. While it’s very much movie focused and not book focused (still looking for that book community, most of mine are fantasy-focused), I found it a fun place to be and surprising myself, became quite active in there for a time.

In here, I learned about Letterboxd, which is basically Goodreads for movies, and the HORRORx52 yearly challenge. I basically became a horror-focused cinephile out of the blue. Previous to this point, I was always that person who hadn’t seen so many of the “must see” movies, much to the frustration of at least one friend! So suddenly catching up on the most popular and highest rated horror movies, plus some obscure little things, it was super strange. I still haven’t seen Groundhog Day or Back to the Future though, just… haven’t been in the mood, so there.

Letterboxd profile appearance. It can be customised further with a Patron subscription, adding in a background, custom movie posters, and all sorts.

However, the point of this post is to talk about movie watching challenges. Letterboxd is full of them! Some are focused on a whole year, some are monthly based, while others are fairly open. The world is your proverbial oyster, as they say.

In 2023, I signed up for two annual challenges: HORRORx52, and Honey I Shrunk the Watchlist! Both of which have prompts that you must fit a movie to to come up with your list. The first, of course, is for the horror genre, and I magically managed to complete that one. The second is purely focused on watching the movies you add to your watchlist, which I find super handy because I have a tendency to add movies so I don’t forget about them, and never go in to watch through stuff. While I didn’t complete the challenge, I did watch a few films through it that I probably wouldn’t have otherwise, it helps me to watch outside of my usual box, even if the movies are all things I added myself.

I also discovered the Scavenger Hunts, monthly challenges with prompts for each day of the month. These are more intense but still very fun. I think I managed to complete September but not so much the others I signed up for. And the super popular HOOPtober (named for the famed Tobe Hooper, creator of classics like Texas Chainsaw Massacre), an October-based challenge with prompts to watch all sorts of horror movies, and really get outside of your comfort zone. I found this one a lot more difficult as it had me watching things that I find a little spoon-intensive, but it was a great community and felt very rewarding. I certainly discovered some greats during it. Still undecided if I’ll join that one this year, we shall see.

I looked through a few of the annual challenges this year, but ultimately settled on the same two. I also started a Birth Year challenge that isn’t time limited and made my own challenge for the fantasy genre, that also isn’t time limited because I made it and I said so. And yes, anybody can join at any time. I haven’t been as heavy on the movie watching this year so I haven’t thus far taken part in any monthly challenges.

Until now that is. For August, I saw one of my Letterboxd friends had joined in the Daily Horror Hunt for August. This is basically a Scavenger Hunt, but horror focused, where the Scavenger Hunts are genre-neutral. Sounds perhaps a little tougher but you must understand, there is a lot of horror movies out there and being released all the time, and horror cinephiles go hard.

August’s prompts were put together by Alicja and if you want to have a look at them, I will just urge you to pop over to Letterboxd because there are 31 of them and that’s not going to embed in a blog post very well. But I had a lot of fun gathering my set of movies for this challenge and while I haven’t started watching yet because I’ve been so busy with all the Blaugust stuff (and the very almost nasty migraine I staved off on Thursday and awful sleep yesterday), I am excited to dive in!

The 31 films I selected for August’s Daily Horror Hunt challenge over on Letterboxd

Again, for further details, hop over to my list on Letterboxd! And, of course, my list is subject to change if I find I’m not in the mood for some movie or another but something else fits just as well. This is just what I’m starting with.

Overall, I love these challenges. I don’t force myself to complete them if I’m not feeling up to it, but if I do I feel pretty good about it. And regardless, with all of the prompts, they are a wonderful way to get me watching things I may have been putting off watching for whatever reason and discover some incredible stuff.

But I would love to know, have you watched any of these movies? Any you love? Do you ever take part in movie challenges? Would you?

8 thoughts on “Getting Out of My Comfort Zone With Horror Movie Challenges

  1. Of the movies in that Daily Horror Hunt for August list I think the only ones I watched were Godzilla Minus One and From Dusk Until Dawn both of which I enjoyed for different reasons.

    I never participated in a movie challenge as I am just not that much of a cinephile. Would I participate in one? I guess so, if I feel it is interesting enough and with some friends to bounce thoughts about the movies with.

    If it was just for my own pleasure then it is unlikely I’d do it. Like I said, not much of a cinephile.

    1. Ooh yeah, a little lowkey community challenge could be fun! Maybe each week you all throw a movie into a hat, then you all vote on which sounds most interesting, and that’s what you end up watching, whether together or separate!

  2. Movie challenges? This is something I had never heard of before: how curious!

    I guess it is no different than challenges to experience a large number of games or books in a month- I’ve definitely seen that sort of thing before. But for some reason the idea of doing something similar with movies never really occurred to me.

    And here I am participating in a #blaugust2024, a blogging challenge, which I suppose is in exactly the same kind of ‘domain’. So long as a person manages their participation in the challenge, I suppose they are a net good: pushing yourself a bit out of your comfort zone is often a good thing.

    1. Yeah! I was surprised at first, too. I suppose people make challenges for just about anything, these days. It’s cool, because it makes things feel more communal, you’re all working towards the same goal, ultimately.

  3. This is a fun concept! Lisa Frankenstein is really fun. I also love Freaks. I tried watching Witchfinder General about a month ago, but the dvd copy I borrowed had sadly succumbed to disc rot 😢 and I haven’t gotten around to seeing it yet. Good luck with the challenge!!!

    1. Yeah! Isn’t it? And oh no! I didn’t know that was a thing. 😱I’m a big physical media person and want to collect all the movies/shows I love, don’t want them to rot! And thank yoou!


    I remember last year seeing something like “100 horror movies in 100 days” or some such when it was way too late to even consider trying it.

    So, I just went and found it ( and … maybe? Maybe I’ll do the thing. I’d only be starting a few days late, but I’m not sure about the “never seen before” part, so maybe I’ll do a tweak? I don’t know, but thanks for the reminder.

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