Name The Dragon Chronicle’s Blog Mascots!

Name The Dragon Chronicle’s Blog Mascots!

The other day, Roger asked if the dragon, ghostie, and cat in my blog’s new header image have names, and if not if you guys could name them.

They do not! And I would be honoured for you peeps to offer them names. I do fear my husband would insist the cat be called Microwave (he has been obsessed with this as a cat name since he heard a small child proudly proclaim it was their cat’s name while he was at work one day) but go nuts! I’ll pick my favourites of the bunch.

Meet the Mascots

Image shows a smiling sheet ghost holding a purple ballon, blue sparkly magic swirls away from them. Purple cartoonish flowers decorate one corner of the image. Text reads: 

Hello there! I'm just a translucent little guy, floating around with a heart full of joy and a spirit brimming with cheer! So yeah, Iโ€™m dead, but that doesnโ€™t mean my enthusiasm for making new friends and spreading positivity isnโ€™t as bright as a sunbeam. I love drifting through rooms, bringing smiles and a touch of magic to everyone I meet. Whether it's sharing delightful stories from the past or simply being a comforting presence, Iโ€™m just happy to be here. Image shows a black cat with large eyes, butt in the air, crouched ready to pounce. A curious cat. A laser beam of blue magic forms a dot in front of them, forming the full stop at the end of the one word this creature uses to describe themself: "Meow" 

In the background, there are magic swirls and sparkles and stars emerging from an empty cardboard box, a lone white mouse toy by its side. Image shows a wyvern (dragon without arms) flying in front of sparkly purple swirls. The text reads: 

Greetings. I understand your kind may not be wholly familiar with mine so allow me to introduce myself. I am a wyvern. Yes, you may call me a dragon.  I am not too precious about terminology. 

I am from a realm other to this one. A land of mysticism and magic, summoned through an ancient chronicle by the curious one. That one is much more powerful than they may appear, let me tell you. 

While I certainly had a name, my mind has cleared since being here and so I find myself newly nameless. 

As names are power, I would be grateful to receive one. Perhaps we can adventure together in the future, once we are properly acquianted.

I had a bit of fun creating these graphics. I felt like it might be nice for them to introduce themselves a little bit. I had a little story in my mind when I put the header graphic together so I just tried to include that a little here, decorating each one to match their personalities.

So yeah, sound off in the comments. What are each of their names?

10 thoughts on “Name The Dragon Chronicle’s Blog Mascots!

    1. Hahaha. I almost went for a moodier theme! I wanted it to represent my love of horror. There was this moody Dracula graphic I wanted to include and it was just him with the moon and the dragon, and it was going to be “The Midnight Dragon Chronicle” but it was so long and hard to find an available domain so I dropped the midnight, which I was sad about cus I wanted to imply a darker theme. In the end I just added a ghosty and the end result was so cheerful that’s just how it is, now! ๐Ÿ˜€ At least the horror doesn’t stick out quite as much as it did on ‘Dragons & Whimsy’!

  1. +1 for Microwave! I wanted to name our cat Box or Boxes. My wife didn’t think I was serious…we compromised on Chloe instead ๐Ÿ˜„

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