Back in My Rightfully Elfy Place Ready for The War Within
I woke up today with heavy fatigue, nausea and a headache. It is so frustrating but Krikket has inspired me to fluff it up! I have managed to get rid of the nausea. A bit of cereal and a cup of the Gingerbread Chai I bought in Cardiff set me right. The tea was actually lovely! It’s a rooibos base and a loose leaf, I’d not tried it yet but I got some fillable teabags yesterday and was excited to try them. I found some of the loose tea escaped so next time I’ll just have to tie the drawstring a little lower. Otherwise, spot on! My little teapot, and my little mesh ball have both been awesome for my loose teas, but these require much less washing and care. Very good.
With feeling so unwell this month, I’ve found myself playing much more World of Warcraft. And with the new expansion launching in like a week (eeeee!) I’m doing a lot of inventory cleaning and quest completion to tidy up my log a bit. Get myself good and ready for new adventures.
Well, the quest management isn’t going so great but I have cleaned out my banks pretty nicely. I’ve got 2 Warband bank tabs unlocked, sold most of the crafting materials I’d been hoarding across my various characters, netting me some decent gold. So all that was really left, was to make sure I’ve collected everything from the pre-patch – almost done, just need to get the leather set, a cloak or two, and check I’ve got all the weapons – and make sure I was happy with my class choice for main.
I mained Mage through Dragonflight, finally releasing myself from the Shadow Priest prison I’d put myself in for the past several expansions… yeah I didn’t really enjoy Shadow Priest enough to main it, not for that long, I was just so damn attached to the character. She was the one I was playing when I met my husband, after all. But Mage, that felt good to play. I love a good glass canon, a character that has the tools to get away from the enemy and maintain distance but do a lot of explosive damage. That satisfies me. And I love a good wizard. So yes I think I’m happy to keep on with the Mage, even if I would like a class that could heal if needed.
However, my Mage was a Human and while she was cute, I never really wanted to main a Human. I tend to find them a little boring. I’m very much an Elf person. The main thing that kept me happy as a Human was the increased reputation gains racial and well… we lost that with the release of warband reputation. So I’ve been umming and aahing and well one thing led to another and….
My Mage is a Void Elf now. (I’m also 800k gold poorer because I just could not justify £19 for this)
I haven’t worked out lorewise if she’s more High Elf or Void Elf, as the Void Elves are actually corrupted Blood Elves, right? Either way I’ve given her the fancy purple eyes, going with “Arcane” eyes here, and she is Elf! And oh my god the racials are so good. She gets a little damage boost, 1% reduced Shadow damage which I can imagine will be great going into a 3-expansion Void story, a little teleport, 50% reduced transmog costs, oh and damage cannot interrupt her spellcasting! So many things. So good.
I’m so happy with her, and as somebody who started out with Blood Elves, it feels a little like coming home.Plus with the whole Void thing, going into the Void expansion? It’s a little way to continue on the headcanon I always had going with Seithir, my Shadow Priest. Cleaning up the mess she made.
So now my Warband screen looks like this!
Once I’d sorted her out it was getting let and starting a story quest wasn’t really on the cards so I decided to hit up an old raid, collect some mog. Settled on Tomb of Sargeras Mythic, found a map some nice Redditor had made so I could navigate the place, still managed to miss clicking on something I needed to open a door and get myself lost because that’s just how I roll! Thankfully one of my lovely guildies suggested we pop onto Discord and I screenshare so he could guide me right and he got me where I needed to go, then I finished off the raid after we worked out exactly how to handle Kil’jaeden, who has a nasty knockback mechanic you still have to work with if you’re not able to kill him outright. Eventually worked it out and got myself a new title: the Darkener. How perfect!
So to round us off, here’s a couple of screenshots I took in my wanderings. Tomb of Sargeras is such an important place lorewise and it’s simply gorgeous.
Okay I suppose this ended up being more post than fluff. I’ll take it. I have also been playing a little bit of WoW Classic, mostly Season of Discovery though I cannot settle on a class there for the life of me. I’ve got a level 32 Hunter, level 10 Warlock, level 9 Mage, level 2 Priest, level something Paladin, I just can’t decide what I feel like! Hunter would be nice, but I’d also love to try being a Warlock, that said I am a Mage – both in retail, and back in original Classic release, but it might also be nice to try Shadow Priest and also have the option to heal (which Mage also offers in SoD). I can’t settle. It’s a nice low spoons activity, though. I just don’t know anybody who is playing, nor do I have a guild so I’m pretty much solo.