Yet To Read: I Need These 3 Books Right Now
The book blogging community has a lot of memes, on Saturday I hopped in with a Weekend Wrap-Up and today I want to jump into another, also with a twist because apparently I can’t do anything as intended around here! See, I have a lot of unread books on my shelves and my Kindle, and there are a lot of books on my wishlists – most of which have released. So I want to do a feature highlighting the books I have yet to read and the books I’m eager to get my claws on, yet both of the memes that already exist for these features are both on a Wednesday! Egads! I figure I can alternate between the two: Can’t Wait Wednesday and Shelf Control. And for this week, I actually want to talk about three books I have on pre-order. This will most likely be something of a one-off, I’ll probably do one at a time, or a series, rather than several disparate titles. Let’s go!

Redemptor by Jordan Ifueko
Redemptor is the sequel to Raybearer, the book I read to pull myself out of my reading slump, and I’m an eager beaver for this one. There’s romance and found family and magic and non-European centric fantasy and aaaaa, I just love it. I seriously can’t wait to see what happens to Tarisai and her friends, and the empire. I’m excited!
Redemptor releases from Hot Key Books on 17th August, 2021 in the UK.

Kith and Kin by Marieke Nijkamp
I am a massive Critical Role fan. It is one of my top 3 favourite fantasy franchises, perhaps my favourite, it’s tough to say, and this first novel covers an adventure the twins from campaign one had prior to meeting Vox Machina and is releasing right as I’m getting my reading groove back and looking for books that have a similar vibe to Critical Role’s stories (and yes, I am taking recommendations). I was going to hold off picking it up as it releases not too long before December (birthmas!) but there are so many other books on my wishlist and I’m desperate to get my hands on Kith and Kin.
Kith and Kin releases from Del Rey Books on 26th October, 2021 in the UK.

Welsh Witchcraft by Mhara Starling
I’m a pagan living in Wales with a strong love for folklore and folkloric traditions, and the moment a friend of mine waved this upcoming book in my face I knew I needed to add it to my shelves. I do have a slightly different relationship to these kinds of books, I struggle to sit and read them cover to cover and instead like to read bits at a time, look things up and casually read them in this way, but I am looking forward to it however I end up reading it.
Welsh Witchcraft releases from Llewellyn on 8th February, 2022.
So those are the three books I have on pre-order right now! I can’t afford much but one book once in a while isn’t so bad. Are you looking to pick any of these titles up? Have anything fun pre-ordered right now?