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Category: Events

Cal Black’s No Port in a Storm Book Cover Reveal

Cal Black’s No Port in a Storm Book Cover Reveal

Long time no see! I hope you’ve all been keeping well. I’ve been playing my games and getting into movies in a big way, think I’ve even found my way out of my reading slump. But that’s not why I’m here today. You see, a friend of mine, Cal Black, has the second book in her fantasy series coming out and I’m here to share the book cover with you. A book cover reveal, if you will. The series is…

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Heads Up! Huge Indie Book Sale Ongoing 18-22

Heads Up! Huge Indie Book Sale Ongoing 18-22

*Sale is over now but I still recommend having a look at the authors involved and Tessa’s spotlight posts, there are some great titles in here!* Happy April, friendos! Today I bring great news of a huge indie book sale that lovely Tessa of Narratess has organised to help connect independent authors with new readers as part of #IndieApril. Everybody loves a sale, right? All books included in the sale are fantasy, science fiction, or horror books that are first in…

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Bout of Books 32 Signing Up Fashionably Late

Bout of Books 32 Signing Up Fashionably Late

Oh hello there, I’m not posting a sign-up post for longrunning read-a-thon Bout of Books at midnight you are… *ahem* I’ve honestly had this on my to-do list all week but with all I had going on with getting the blog set up and then going outside on Friday and dealing with post-vaccine brain fog, I am only now getting around to it. Better late than never!  So for those of you who don’t know or perhaps don’t remember, I…

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