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Category: General

Introducing My Twitch Streams

Introducing My Twitch Streams

Well hello, it’s day 10 of Blaugust and I must admit, I never expected to get this far! I’ve never even tried to do the daily blogging thing for this event because usually it just doesn’t fit me, but this year, despite not even aiming for it, I’ve been doing it! With one day off, though I can always catch up on that one here or there. Today I want to talk a little bit about my Twitch streams. I…

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So Do We Allow AI-Generated Content to Pervade in Creative Space?

So Do We Allow AI-Generated Content to Pervade in Creative Space?

I noted this topic down as a potential draft a few days ago as I had noticed a blog within Blaugust using AI to write all of their posts. Obviously, I am not the authority on what people can and can’t do, but with Belghast’s post going live yesterday, I felt it was time to discuss. Which brings us to a question of ethics: Should AI-generated content belong in the Blaugust community? Spoiler warning, my answer is a no. But…

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Assassin’s Creed Shadows Bigotry is a Huge Issue

Assassin’s Creed Shadows Bigotry is a Huge Issue

Content Warning: Discussion of Bigotry, Racism, Violence – Please make sure you are in a good mental state before reading this post. Look after yourselves, lovelies. Listen. We have to talk. There is a problem in the world. It’s nothing new, we’ve all seen it, we’re all exhausted by it and afraid. But I really need to talk about this here as I never have, and Victor’s fantastic post about the “controversy” surrounding the upcoming Assassin’s Creed: Shadows has just…

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Spoons and What I Do With Them

Spoons and What I Do With Them

I think for this first day of Blaugust I want to talk a little about how I’m spending my time these days. I would be remiss if I didn’t start with why I have so much time to spend, so I’ll just explain where I am health-wise first. The Spoon Question Very often I’ll mention “not having enough spoons” for an activity and be asked what that means. Other people have explained this better than I can. But in essence,…

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Weekend Wrap-Up: 14/08/2021

Weekend Wrap-Up: 14/08/2021

The Weekend Wrap-Up offers a little look at what I’m reading, the new books that came my way, and anything else I may have gotten up to this past week. I will be linking up to Stacking the Shelves, The Sunday Post and It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? and hopping around your blogs a little to see what the community has to share too! My Week Reading I’ve barely read at all this past week. I put so many hours…

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Weekend Wrap-Up: 07/08/2021

Weekend Wrap-Up: 07/08/2021

Despite my wonky sleep schedule and resulting exhaustion, I’ve gotten quite a bit of reading done this week, managed to publish 4 new blog posts, and started setting up hosting! Come see what I’ve been up to, what I’m reading, and what’s new in my Kindle library for this past week.