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Category: Tabletop Games

Spoons and What I Do With Them

Spoons and What I Do With Them

I think for this first day of Blaugust I want to talk a little about how I’m spending my time these days. I would be remiss if I didn’t start with why I have so much time to spend, so I’ll just explain where I am health-wise first. The Spoon Question Very often I’ll mention “not having enough spoons” for an activity and be asked what that means. Other people have explained this better than I can. But in essence,…

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I Shouldn’t Be Running Sword Coast Adventures, However…

I Shouldn’t Be Running Sword Coast Adventures, However…

I’ve been suffering with some indigestion/heartburn nonsense the past few nights and one night while being kept up by it, I found myself thinking how cool it would be to run the 5e official adventure modules in order to experience the Forgotten Realms stories in the most fun way possible. I laughed myself off and the next evening the thought returned. Gulp. See, I already run one homebrew campaign on Tuesdays and play in another on Mondays, and they’re both…

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Weekend Wrap-Up: 07/08/2021

Weekend Wrap-Up: 07/08/2021

Despite my wonky sleep schedule and resulting exhaustion, I’ve gotten quite a bit of reading done this week, managed to publish 4 new blog posts, and started setting up hosting! Come see what I’ve been up to, what I’m reading, and what’s new in my Kindle library for this past week.

Weekend Wrap-Up: 24/07/2021

Weekend Wrap-Up: 24/07/2021

The Weekend Wrap-Up offers a little look at what I’m reading, the new books that came my way, and anything else I may have gotten up to this past week. I will be linking up to Stacking the Shelves, The Sunday Post and It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? and hopping around your blogs a little to see what the community has to share too! My Week It has been an odd week for me. It’s been so hot, and I guess being on my…

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Weekend Wrap-Up: 17/07/2021

Weekend Wrap-Up: 17/07/2021

As the weather heats up, I’m powering through and past my years-long reading slump and plodding along elsewhere. I have a couple announcements regarding writing projects and Blaugust, a beautiful piece of music to share, and the usual incoming books and past week’s worth of blogging to share.

Weekend Wrap-Up: 10/07/2021

Weekend Wrap-Up: 10/07/2021

This week my sleep turned topsy-turvy, I started my Buffy series rewatch, and started reading Artifact Space. Here’s everything I’ve got up to, blogged, added to my piles, and what’s in store for next week.