Dragons and Whimsy’s New Title & Blaugust 2024
Hi folks! I totally meant to do this a few months back, but it’s a big change and the backend stuff to get it sorted is super overwhelming so it has taken me a few months. However, chatting with a friend who wants to come back to blogging, plus the advent of Blaugust, reminded me that I bought a new domain and made new graphics for the blog and need to get them sorted! So we say a fond farewell to Dragons and Whimsy, a title I have used since around 2012/1013, I believe, back when we used an app to share on Twitter (Raptr??) what games we were playing and mine would say “Jaedia is seeking dragons and whimsy in [game title]!” And a nice warm hello to our new name: The Dragon Chronicle.
To be frank, I haven’t felt the ‘whimsy’ for a long while. I still enjoy it from time to time, and I love fantasy, but my passion has shifted much more to horror. I even considered going for a darker title to fit this passion, but eh… it felt a little edgelordy on me. I’m no “dark lady” or anything of that nature, I’m just a spooky nerd who loves cats and dragons. So I just opted to “mature” my theme a little. Fit my preferences a little better. After all, you can’t take the dragons away from Jaedia!
The Dragon Chronicle keeps the dragon theme, and incorporates my love of books. I like to imagine this chronicle is a magical tome, perhaps the tale is forever changing, sometimes dark, sometimes adventurous, but always intriguing.
So if you have my link saved anywhere, please update the domain to thedragonchronicle.com (and feel free to title it “Jaedia’s Dragon Chronicle” if you’d like to keep the title a little familiar, or “The Dragon Chronicle” if you prefer the official title).
As for Blaugust 2024, I’m putting my name in the hat as a participant. I don’t have much writing in me at the moment but I am reading a lot, watching movies, playing games, streaming, and cross stitching. I’ve been doing things in life, too. I saw the Foo Fighters live! Dream come true, for me. So I’m sure if I can drum up a little motivation and energy, I’ll have plenty to share. The best I can do is try and after all, the best thing about Blaugust for me has never been my own content but being a part of the lovely community. Let’s go, August!
And please do hold while I get things sorted. I have done my best to set up redirects and change titles around and all, but some things are taking a moment to switch over. It’ll get there.