Fantasy Spotlight: A Drowned Kingdom by P.L. Stuart
Hello, hello! Today is my stop on the Escapist Tours book tour for A Drowned Kingdom by P.L. Stuart. This is the first in a new epic fantasy series about an exiled people whose ancestral home is buried beneath the waves, and now long to rule once more. It is based on Plato’s lost city of Atlantis, which is a story that has always fascinated me! Sounds awesome, right?!
A Drowned Kingdom by P.L. Stuart
Series: The Drowned Kingdom Saga
Genre: Epic Fantasy
Length: 438 pages
Publisher: FriesenPress
Goodreads – The StoryGraph
Content Warnings: Violence, Gore
Get your copy of A Drowned Kingdom:
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Once Second Prince of the mightiest kingdom in the known world, Othrun now leads the last survivors of his exiled people into an uncertain future far across the Shimmering Sea from their ancestral home, now lost beneath the waves. With his Single God binding his knights to chivalric oaths, intent on wiping out idolatry and pagan worship, they will have to carve out a new kingdom on this mysterious continent―a continent that has for centuries been ravaged by warlords competing for supremacy and mages channeling the mystic powers of the elements―and unite the continent under godly rule.
With a troubled past, a cursed sword, and a mysterious spirit guiding him, Othrun means to be that ruler, and conquer all. But with kingdoms fated on the edge of spears, alliances and pagan magic, betrayal, doubt, and dangers await him at every turn. Othrun will be forced to confront the truths of all he believes in on his journey to become a king, and a legend.
When one kingdom drowns, a new one must rise in its place. So begins the saga of that kingdom, and the man who would rule it all.
See also: That Ship Has Sailed • Sinking Me • Do You Believe in Magic?
Meet the Author
P.L. Stuart was born in Toronto, Canada. He holds a university degree in English, specializing in Medieval Literature. P.L. is an assistant editor with Before We Go Blog blogging Team, headed by the awesome Beth Tabler.
The best-selling “A Drowned Kingdom”, chronicles flawed and bigoted Prince Othrun’s journey towards change, and his rise to power in a new world after the downfall of his homeland, which is based on Plato’s lost realm of Atlantis. “A Drowned Kingdom” is mentioned in the esteemed Kirkus Magazine’s 2021 Indie Issue among “Four Great Examples of the Genre” of fantasy. P.L.’s next novel, “The Last of the Atalanteans”, Book Two in the “The Drowned Kingdom Saga”, will surface in Spring 2022.
P.L. is an avid supporter of fellow creatives and proud member of the greater writing community, which includes readers, writers, bloggers, editors, literary agents, and more. P.L. currently lives in Chatham, Ontario, Canada. P.L. is married, and he and his lovely wife Debbie have seven children, and one precocious grandchild between them. When not writing, or engaging in author-associated activities, P.L. is a voracious reader, and loves to read and review books, spends time with family, tries to get some exercise time, and watches Netflix.
You can find all his links on his Linktree page.
4 thoughts on “Fantasy Spotlight: A Drowned Kingdom by P.L. Stuart”
I always love a book with a map!
There’s just something so inviting about an unexplored land!
Ooh, this sounds great! And an author from my hometown of Toronto, Canada – I’ll have to take note of his name and work for the future! 😀
Doesn’t it? Eyyyy! Always gotta love finding folks from your hometown.
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