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Tag: challenge

Getting Out of My Comfort Zone With Horror Movie Challenges

Getting Out of My Comfort Zone With Horror Movie Challenges

Last year, actually right around New Year’s, I was searching Discord for a nice horror book community. I started checking out the public servers and peeped into Dreadcord, the Discord server attached to r/horror. While it’s very much movie focused and not book focused (still looking for that book community, most of mine are fantasy-focused), I found it a fun place to be and surprising myself, became quite active in there for a time. In here, I learned about Letterboxd,…

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12 Books For 2022 Challenge

12 Books For 2022 Challenge

Hello blog friends! Today I wanted to talk a little about this “12 Books for 2022” challenge I took on back in December. The template by @shadowbooker on Instagram was going around on Twitter and while I usually fail horribly at challenges and readathons, finding them more pressure than fun, I figured heck it. It might be interesting to see what people recommend and you know what, it was! Yes, I’m a tiny bit late with this but I make…

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Reading Became My Comfort

Reading Became My Comfort

Hi blog friends! Right now like the perfect time to switch off and just talk about books, so I’m going to do just that. Turn off the news, grab a cuppa, and let’s have a little chat. How have you all been? I’ve been mostly good. Found myself unable to write for several months and I’m still kind of there, but sometimes you just need to ride an urge into the sunset while you have it, you know? So here…

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Just One Percent of All Steam Games in One Year

Just One Percent of All Steam Games in One Year

Hello there! It has been a while (*it’s been a whiiile* 🎵) my blogging friends. How have you been these past few months? I’ve been okay. The CBT I was trying didn’t work out and I lost all energy and motivation to write for a while, and read, for that matter. I found my way back to gaming again and started my streams back up on Twitch, I managed to pick my reading back up and have been quietly reading…

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Bout of Books 32 Signing Up Fashionably Late

Bout of Books 32 Signing Up Fashionably Late

Oh hello there, I’m not posting a sign-up post for longrunning read-a-thon Bout of Books at midnight you are… *ahem* I’ve honestly had this on my to-do list all week but with all I had going on with getting the blog set up and then going outside on Friday and dealing with post-vaccine brain fog, I am only now getting around to it. Better late than never!  So for those of you who don’t know or perhaps don’t remember, I…

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