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Tag: graphics

Wrapping Up Blaugust 2024

Wrapping Up Blaugust 2024

Final day of Blaugust 2024 and it has been a good one this year, folks. For me at least! I started out with my usual expectation of writing an introduction post, maybe a follow up a few days later, and perhaps a Humble Choice review type thing and that’d be it. As I’ve already covered, writing takes a lot out of me and it’s tough to make myself sit down and do it when my brain just struggles to string…

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Name The Dragon Chronicle’s Blog Mascots!

Name The Dragon Chronicle’s Blog Mascots!

The other day, Roger asked if the dragon, ghostie, and cat in my blog’s new header image have names, and if not if you guys could name them. They do not! And I would be honoured for you peeps to offer them names. I do fear my husband would insist the cat be called Microwave (he has been obsessed with this as a cat name since he heard a small child proudly proclaim it was their cat’s name while he…

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Dragons and Whimsy’s New Title & Blaugust 2024

Dragons and Whimsy’s New Title & Blaugust 2024

Hi folks! I totally meant to do this a few months back, but it’s a big change and the backend stuff to get it sorted is super overwhelming so it has taken me a few months. However, chatting with a friend who wants to come back to blogging, plus the advent of Blaugust, reminded me that I bought a new domain and made new graphics for the blog and need to get them sorted! So we say a fond farewell…

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