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Tag: horror

Speculative Fiction Book Releases July 2022

Speculative Fiction Book Releases July 2022

We’re well into summer now and there’s plenty of new fantasy, horror, and science fiction to read during these warmer months. Whether you’re on the beach, in the garden, or winding down after a busy day at work, there’s always room for a new book. I often get the hankering for a bit of horror at this time of year. Who needs October? So here are the speculative fiction book releases for July 2022 that caught my attention. These books…

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Speculative Fiction Book Releases in June 2022

Speculative Fiction Book Releases in June 2022

Another month another round of the grabby hands. It’s time for the speculative fiction book releases for June 2022 in the UK, going through all the fantasy, horror, science fiction releases that sound neat to me, plus a few others, be they mixing genres, historical fiction, non-fiction or something else. These may be traditionally or independently published, and as ever, I may update throughout the month of May so keep coming back to keep up to date! Please do send…

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Speculative Fiction Book Releases in May 2022

Speculative Fiction Book Releases in May 2022

Hello! It’s time for the speculative fiction book releases for May 2022 in the UK, going through all the fantasy, horror, science fiction releases that sound neat to me, plus a few others, be they mixing genres, historical fiction, non-fiction or something else. These may be traditionally or independently published, and as ever, I may update throughout the month of May so keep coming back to keep up to date! Please do send over your future releases for these posts….

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Heads Up! Huge Indie Book Sale Ongoing 18-22

Heads Up! Huge Indie Book Sale Ongoing 18-22

*Sale is over now but I still recommend having a look at the authors involved and Tessa’s spotlight posts, there are some great titles in here!* Happy April, friendos! Today I bring great news of a huge indie book sale that lovely Tessa of Narratess has organised to help connect independent authors with new readers as part of #IndieApril. Everybody loves a sale, right? All books included in the sale are fantasy, science fiction, or horror books that are first in…

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Speculative Fiction Releases April 2022

Speculative Fiction Releases April 2022

‘Eyy! I’m back for a second month of new books, going through the Speculative Fiction releases for April 2022 that I’m interested in! We’ll mostly be focusing on fantasy, science fiction, and horror, but on the odd occasion, I may sneak in something non-fiction, historical fiction, romance perhaps. It all depends on what is out there. April has a few titles that I’m really intrigued by, and a few that could turn out to be fantastic reads. I may also…

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Speculative Fiction Releases in March 2022

Speculative Fiction Releases in March 2022

You know what’s really fun as a reader? Looking at all the new shiny books. As a reader of fantasy, horror, and science fiction there is usually a healthy dollop of excellent sounding reads in any given month. Oh, what is a book wyrm to do?! At the very least, we can admire all the preciouses and perhaps keep track of what most catches our attention. Without further ado, here’s my list of speculative fiction releases in March 2022 I’d…

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Weekend Wrap-Up: Many Deadlines!

Weekend Wrap-Up: Many Deadlines!

The Weekend Wrap-Up offers a little look at what I’m reading, the new books that came my way, and anything else I may have gotten up to this past week. I will be linking up to Stacking the Shelves, The Sunday Post and It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? and hopping around your blogs a little to see what the community has to share too! This past week I found myself with many deadlines, fingers crossed for me! My Week After the party last Friday, I…

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