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Tag: streaming

Introducing My Twitch Streams

Introducing My Twitch Streams

Well hello, it’s day 10 of Blaugust and I must admit, I never expected to get this far! I’ve never even tried to do the daily blogging thing for this event because usually it just doesn’t fit me, but this year, despite not even aiming for it, I’ve been doing it! With one day off, though I can always catch up on that one here or there. Today I want to talk a little bit about my Twitch streams. I…

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Just One Percent of All Steam Games in One Year

Just One Percent of All Steam Games in One Year

Hello there! It has been a while (*it’s been a whiiile* 🎵) my blogging friends. How have you been these past few months? I’ve been okay. The CBT I was trying didn’t work out and I lost all energy and motivation to write for a while, and read, for that matter. I found my way back to gaming again and started my streams back up on Twitch, I managed to pick my reading back up and have been quietly reading…

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