There Is No Such Thing As “Failing” Blaugust!

There Is No Such Thing As “Failing” Blaugust!

Hello friends! I’ve been repeating myself a lot on the Blaugust Discord because I like to remind people that Blaugust is not a thing you can fail and to make healthy choices if necessary. A little late for Staying Motivated week? Eh! It’s never a bad time to think about this stuff.

So in essence, all I want to say is that if you have tried to do Blaugust, you’ve already “won”. Whether you’ve posted daily, every other day, once, or not at all. Blaugust is not about pushing you to blog until you break, nor will you be ostracised for not posting. At its core, Blaugust began as a challenge to blog every day throughout the month of August, and many still go for that and that is great! Anybody going for the Rainbow: I believe in you, you’ve got this! We’re almost at the finish line! But over time it has evolved. Blaugust, these days, is a call to community to come together, blog a little more, and interact. Whether you blog games, tech, books, life, the universe, anything! You are welcome to join us.

I’ve seen way too many people stressing on either end of this and I just hope you all know that Blaugust is supposed to be fun, it’s supposed to be about driving community, and getting to know people we didn’t know before. Making new friends! Finding new ways to do this thing that we do.

If you thrive on pushing to 31 posts and Blaugust helps you do that? Yay! If you just want the community and need to plod along at your own pace? That’s great! We have Blaugustians at all ends of the scale, and blogging friends who do not partake in Blaugust at all that we love all the same. Please know you’re all valid and it’s awesome that you are blogging! However you are doing it.

People say blogging is a dying art. Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t, but as long as we’re all chipping away and interacting with each other, it’s alive and well. ❀️

If you tried this month: You did Blaugust. If you didn’t? That’s okay too, you’re still a blogger, and if you want to be one of us, you are.

I just need you all to know that if you are struggling, oftentimes, pushing yourself will only lead to burnout and exhaustion and nothing is ever worth that. I am proud of you however you have done this thing and it’s not just okay to slow down when it gets too much, maybe take a break, blog when you are able and not when it’s more stress than fun, but encouraged! We want more blogging friends in this little community of ours, and breaking yourself will certainly not help anybody.

However you are doing this thing: You’ve got this! And we will still be here once August is done with.

4 thoughts on “There Is No Such Thing As “Failing” Blaugust!

  1. Well said, Jaedia!

    I am much more inclined to tell someone to take a break and not push so hard when they comment or post about their struggles achieving a daily post than I am to encourage them to try harder. My ‘take it easy’ responses probably are not what they really want. But I know learning to be kind to oneself is a lesson that often comes too late.

    Personally, I think I gained more from Blaugust2024 by reading other folks posts as I did by writing my own. So much so that it became something of a personal goal each morning to read every new post, even if that meant I had less time and energy to write. So I had to take my own advice and chill out a bit πŸ˜‰

    I don’t think I will ever set a ‘post per day’ goal, but I will definitely be back for Blaugust 2025!

    1. Thank you! And indeed! It was a long, hard journey learning self-kindness and self-care, and I’m only human I’m still rubbish at it at times. Just in things you think are normal and then you realise oh wait, there is no normal and maybe this needs re-looking at.

      So I’m only too happy to send people reminders, because it’s SO easy to not even think of certain things.

      And I think it was evenly matched for me! Being a part of response posts and visiting other people’s sites, chatting on Discord, getting some kind of rhythm going with posting again, there’s been so much this Blaugust for me! It’s pretty incredible. I just adore the community around it so much, and I love to see new additions! πŸ₯°

  2. Good little reminder! Certain kinds of people (including myself) can’t help but worry over things that are really not that serious πŸ˜… Personally, I’m trying for one more post, but if that doesn’t happen, so be it 😎

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