Weekend Wrap-Up: 03/07/2021
The Weekend Wrap-Up offers a little look at what I’m reading, the new books that came my way, and anything else I may have gotten up to this past week. I will be linking up to Stacking the Shelves, The Sunday Post and It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? and hopping around your blogs a little to see what the community has to share too!
My Week
On Sunday I ran my bi-weekly Sunday Dungeons & Dragons game. This group is running through Lost Mines of Phandelvar in the Sword Coast and I think this week saw a turning point for me. The entire module is written with things to kill around every corner but that’s not exactly how I like to run my games. I prefer to offer player choices. Yes, these guys may try to kill you, but you could also talk to them, leave them be, trick them… there are so many things you can do with D&D and roleplay and I want to provide the opportunity to create neat stories! So I’m looking at the module and what I can tear up and change now because that’s what I do, apparently.
The rest of the week has been more fatigue and terrible sleep. I’m veering towards nocturnal again which is frustrating but it is what it is.
I also started with my Buffyverse Project this week. I put in an order for some second hand Buffy books I want to read, my dad sent over a few of my old books he still has back at home, and I rewatched the Buffy movie. It’s as bad and as campy as I remember it being and I have a post in the works talking about how the lore changed between the movie and the series which I think should be interesting.
I also rewatched Princess Mononoke with some friends via Discord last night. That was really nice, I haven’t watched that film since I was probably 17 years old so it’s probably been about 15 years and it is just a work of art. Then yesterday I started watching Sweet Tooth on Netflix which seems really nice, and Drag Race All Stars is back on Netflix this season so I’ve caught up with that as well.
As for what I’ve been reading, I sunk my teeth into City of Glass, book 3 of Cassandra Clare’s Mortal Instruments series. I’m almost finished with it as I write this post and I’m ready to give the series a break, for sure. Apparently I can’t read a whole series in one sitting anymore which is good to know. I’m enjoying it though. As predictable as some parts of the story are, there are some twists I didn’t see. I may actually have a review for this one, I didn’t have a whole lot to say about City of Ashes.
Oh and I quietly published my review policy. Not going out of my way to open myself up to that world just yet, but it doesn’t hurt to have a policy in place.
On the Blog
This week’s blog posts. I haven’t had the energy to go into much else but I do have a lot in the pipeline!
For ebooks this week it was Amazon First Reads time. I wasn’t 100% sure what to choose this time around but eventually settled on The Magic of Found Objects by Maddie Dawson which sounds like it could be a very sweet read.
The physical pile is a little bigger, but these should be the last ones in for a little while, at least. Artifact Space was another Twitter giveaway winning from Nils of The Fantasy Hive courtesy of Gollancz. Thank you again! And I bought the Buffy books on the top line second hand from ABE Books. Frustratingly the two collections are slightly different sizes and Summer Vacation has an odd smell to it but those are the risks we take, eh? 😂 The bottom three are from my teenage collection (unread, of course, because they belonged to me).

Next Week
I’m not yet sure what I’ll be reading next, if I’ll start Good Omens (see my Yet to Read post from this week), one of the Buffy books, or perhaps some epic fantasy/space opera. I have 5 books plus my Kindle stacked up on the table beside my armchair for options.
D&D should return Friday and Sunday of next week (both of my games run bi-weekly) and I have some serious prep work to do for both games!
On the blog, I will hopefully get out a couple posts outside of Yet to Read and Weekend Wrap-Up, we’ll see where my energy levels are but look out for those.
How have your weeks been? Reading anything good? Got up to anything interesting? Let’s encourage each other in the comments! I’d love to hear what you’re all getting up to!