Weekend Wrap-Up: 10/07/2021
The Weekend Wrap-Up offers a little look at what I’m reading, the new books that came my way, and anything else I may have gotten up to this past week. I will be linking up to Stacking the Shelves, The Sunday Post and It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? and hopping around your blogs a little to see what the community has to share too!
My Week
It has been a strange week for me. My sleep issues continue (you will learn this is a theme, the doctors shrug it off, it’s a barrel of fun). The schedule was starting to veer towards late nights once again and then Thursday I was woken up by one of the neighbourhood children screaming and that got me tired enough for an early night, which last for 3 or 4 hours. So I woke up at half 3 in the morning, and then had to sleep a bit more in the day, so now my sleep is utterly wonk and we’re gonna have to just ride this cycle back around to “normal”. Sadly, this means I had to cancel both of this weekend’s D&D games because I just am not awake enough to DM, but that’s just how it goes some weeks.
My husband also wrapped up his last day at one of his two jobs last Sunday which is a huge relief to me, I’m super proud of him for going through with leaving and he’s got some decent work at his other job. It’s still long hours for him but he seems a lot better for it.
In my reading, I finished City of Glass which I really enjoyed. I will have a review for that one very soon, it’s mostly written just gotta find the energy to go over it, make sure it’s coherent and all that. Then I started reading Artifact Space by Miles Cameron. This is maybe my… third space opera book? And my first Miles Cameron, so it’s been pretty fun exploring a new author and an unfamiliar genre, but I’m really enjoying it.
I also finally started my rewatch of the Buffy TV series. I did tweet out some thoughts as I was watching if you’re curious about that thread, I’m not sure I’ll be doing ongoing posts about the show itself as my thoughts are pretty scattered and marred in nostalgia and legendary lines. But yeah, that means I’m ready to start on the books now so hopefully, we can dive into some Sunnydale fiction in the next few weeks!
On the Blog
I had 5 or 6 posts I wanted to get out this week and managed 3, which is a pretty good indicator of my personal limits these days but that’s okay! I’m glad I got at least one non-meme post out, and it was for the Buffyverse Project. Win/win!
Grabbed a couple books on Kindle Unlimited. I was in a certain reading mood (summery YA contemporary romance? I basically planed to watch anything with Baby O’Riley in the soundtrack if that’s any indication), still not sure exactly what will hit the spot but grabbed a few things. I was also convinced to pick up Sword of Kaigen by a new Discord I joined.

Then I picked up The Poppy War for 99p on Kindle, the day after I’d been discussing the book with a friend and was suuuper close to clicking ‘add to cart’. Love that timing, haha. I’ve heard amazing things about this series so I was super happy to grab this.
And there was also a game this week. Yakuza 0 was super cheap on Steam so I yoinked that. I started on Yakuza Kiwama over a year ago and I loved the vibe of it, so I want to go through the whole Yakuza franchise at some point. May as well start from the beginning!
Next Week
My plans for this upcoming week are:
- Try to get sleep back to night mode.
- Hopefully finish up reading Artifact Space. I’m about halfway through at this point and slowly getting through it, but I’m hoping I can finish it next week.
- Get out my review for City of Glass, and perhaps the post listing off the Buffy the Vampire Slayer tie-in novels by series order for the Buffyverse Project that I promised Bhagpuss.
- Really need to watch that second Avengers movie and Wandavision and then start Loki. I’ve mostly avoided spoilers thus far but social media has no chill!
- Squeeze in some D&D prep for the weekend games because this past fortnight has been tough on that front.
How have your weeks been? Reading anything good? Got up to anything interesting? Let’s encourage each other in the comments! I’d love to hear what you’re all getting up to!