Weekend Wrap-Up: 17/07/2021
The Weekend Wrap-Up offers a little look at what I’m reading, the new books that came my way, and anything else I may have gotten up to this past week. I will be linking up to Stacking the Shelves, The Sunday Post and It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? and hopping around your blogs a little to see what the community has to share too!
My Week
This week I started working on a new project. I’m going to write a book! It isn’t the book I expected to be writing (my epic fantasy, which is still on the cards) but I’m very excited about it, so I began doing some worldbuilding and research and stewing on some ideas and themes, and hopefully once I’ve worked out these parts, the characters and stories will fall into place. I’ve only spent a few hours on it so far but I’m already liking what’s there.
On the sleep front, obviously the fatigue is still there but I’m currently back around to human hours again. This only usually lasts at most a couple weeks, a couple days if I’m unlucky, but it’s really nice to see the morning and sleep when it’s dark and cool! Even if I don’t have the energy to get much done, it finally getting to the mid-20s heat wise doesn’t help, I’m really bad in the heat… I’m lowkey enjoying it for once, though. It forces me to get dressed and I need the Vitamin D.
I put some solid reading time into Artifact Space by Miles Cameron and finished it this week. Really solid science fiction read right there and hoping to have a review for it sometime next week. I then started reading Elantris by Brandon Sanderson, this starts my readthrough (and reread, in some cases) of the Cosmere universe.
The Buffy rewatch continued, reminding me exactly how creepy the Buffy/Angel romance was… she was 16 when they fell in love. Ack! I also started watching Never Have I Ever on Netflix, season 1 got me through a low day yesterday so that was nice.
And then I came across this stunning acoustic cover of ‘As the World Falls Down’ from Labyrinth by Violet Orlandi that I’m a little obsessed with and really needed to share. It’s so beautiful.
On the Blog
Had a fairly productive start to the week! I finally got my City of Glass review out, the extra time to stew on it helped a lot, I think.
I’ll also be taking part in Blaugust next month, a blogging community event run by a friend of mine in the gaming blog community. I’ll do my proper introduction post when we get to August but not too much will change here. I don’t have too much to say about video games right now but I do have some ideas on other topics!
Mmmm look, there was a sale on and it was ending and things were cheap or free. Don’t judge me, you do the same!
So I grabbed Tyrant’s Throne (still need to grab the third book but I need to reread this series from the beginning anyway so no rush there) and Reamde in the Amazon sale while that was on. Schooled in Magic and Love in Lockdown just piqued my interest and weren’t too pricey so I yoinked those as well. Devil’s Deal is actually by a friend of mine who had it going for free for a couple days so I had to add that to my pile as well!

In the physical pile, I won a couple books on Twitter that arrived Monday: House of Styx which is about a family living on Venus, that alone instantly intrigues me, I’m fascinated by the surface of Venus. And Anna, a dystopian novel about a near-future that’s not so great for women. These are both books I’ve heard nothing about but they sound super interesting.

Next Week
I doubt I’ll be able to finish Elantris in the next week as it’s a 600-page novel and I’m very slow, but I’ll hopefully get close to finishing it!
I’ve got my Sunday D&D game tomorrow. One of our players seems to be dealing with some personal stuff, and another has life things going on, but we decided to play on and I know exactly how this is going to play out, but I’m saying no more because at least one of them reads the blog.
On the blog, I still need to get that post about the Buffy books “reading order” set up and posted, and the Artifact Space review. It’s going to be a hot one though so let’s hope I’m cognizant enough to manage it!
How have your weeks been? Reading anything good? Got up to anything interesting? Let’s encourage each other in the comments! I’d love to hear what you’re all getting up to!