Yet to Read Some Deadly Fiction

Yet to Read Some Deadly Fiction

Yet to Read is the weekly meme where I take a look at books on my shelves (physical and digital) that I haven’t gotten around to reading yet and books on my wishlist that I’ve wanted to add to my shelves for a while. I will link these posts up to Can’t Wait Wednesday and Shelf Control, depending on where each week’s post fits best!

For this week’s Yet to Read post, I thought I’d try sharing one book from each because yes, I have enough unread books on my shelves and books I’d love to get my hands on to keep this ongoing for a long while. I am both overwhelmed and overjoyed. Life as a bookworm, am I right?

From the Shelves

I often check the daily deals and sales on Kindle because I figure if I can grab a book I really want to read for 99p or so… it’s worth it. This week I’m in a bit of a magic school mood so I’m highlighting book one of Naomi Novik’s Scholomance series (which really threw me at first as an ex-World of Warcraft player!) – I’ve seen that the second book is releasing pretty soon so perhaps I should get around to this one sooner than later.

A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik - YET TO READ SOME DEADLY FICTION
A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik

Enter a school of magic unlike any you have ever encountered.

There are no teachers, no holidays, friendships are purely strategic, and the odds of survival are never equal.

Once you’re inside, there are only two ways out: you graduate or you die.

El Higgins is uniquely prepared for the school’s many dangers. She may be without allies, but she possesses a dark power strong enough to level mountains and wipe out untold millions – never mind easily destroy the countless monsters that prowl the school.

Except, she might accidentally kill all the other students, too. So El is trying her hardest not to use it… that is, unless she has no other choice.

From the Wishlist

Technically my wishlist choice is 3 books but they are listed as a collection on my wishlist so I’m going with it, and this is the Junji Ito collection. These are collections of horror manga, for those who aren’t familiar and the books are just so beautiful.

Uzumaki, Gyo, and Tomie by Junji Ito - YET TO READ SOME DEADLY FICTION
Uzumaki, Gyo, and Tomie by Junji Ito

Are you a fan of either of these? Had any Junji Ito induced nightmares? Let me know in the comments!
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